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Welcome to Hoboken Charter School

A K–12 Community

Learning Reimagined

for a Just World

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Our Mission

The Hoboken Charter School is a K-12 community committed to social justice and service-learning grounded in learner-centered practices. We seek personal, civic, academic, and artistic growth for all of our members.  Through an individualized and shared journey, students come to know who they are and how they can change the world.

Our unique approach is built on four pillars: 

  • Social Justice Education

  • Service-Learning

  • Learner-Centered Education

  • Interage Experiences

Two boys read together

Why Choose Hoboken Charter School

At HCS, the K-12 experience brings together students of all ages and abilities in a spirit of collaborative inquiry and understanding that is driven by the unique talents and abilities of all of its members. Through these collaborations, younger students gain role models and mentors while older students gain a sense of pride and accomplishment and develop leadership skills, a motivation that is very close to our commitment to service learning.


About Hoboken Charter School

Our journey began in 1997 with a vision shared by Hoboken parents and educators. Since then, we’ve maintained an ongoing history of strong academic achievement and demand in our community. 

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See for Yourself! 

Discover how we’re reimagining learning for a just world. Explore what a day in the life is like at HCS.


For The Families

Creating a more just world requires a departure from conventional teaching and actively involving our students in their learning journey. Our focus on academic, artistic, personal, and civic growth prepares students to think critically and empowers them to stand up for equity and equality in our world. We’d love for you to join us. 

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We’re a public school open to all students. Enrollment in HCS is determined by a public lottery held in January each year for the following school year.

Jane & Paul McConnell, Parents

The teachers’ dedication to a learner-centric model enabled our kids to assess challenges with a reliance on their own intuition and an openness to innovation. 

Teach at HCS

Every day offers you an opportunity to make a difference.

Friends of HCS (FoHCS)

FoHCS is a parent-run, 501(C)(3) non-profit dedicated to supporting HCS and our students.

Our School

Social justice doesn’t just happen. Learn how you can support our important work.

Parent Info, Policies, and Forms 

Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying

Parent Information

and Forms



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