Faculty and Staff
HCS is a supportive and collaborative community that helps students discover who they are and how they can change the world. We do this by engaging our students through social justice education, service-learning, learned-centered education, and interage experiences. Our innovative teaching environment empowers us to create learnign experiences tailored to students' needs and supports the academic excellence we all want for our children.
To email a staff member, add “@hobokencs.net” to the listed username in parentheses.

Lower and Middle School Staff
Lower School
Paige Davidson, (pdavidson)
Michael Reggiani, (mreggiani)
Hennessy Mediavilla, (hmediavilla)
Second Grade
Jenna Wernikowski, (jwernikowski)
Third Grade
Jacqueline Dollard, (jdollard)
Fourth Grade
Middle School
Casey Titus, (ctitus)
5th Grade Homeroom, 5th & 6th Grade ELA & Humanities
Matthew Persico, (mpersico)
7th Grade Homeroom, 7th & 8th Grade ELA & Humanities
Courtney Leahy, (cleahy
6th Grade Homeroom; 5th-8th Grade Sciences
Christopher Kunkel, (ckunkel)
8th Grade Homeroom, 5th-8th Grade Math, STEM Coordinator
Kindergarten-Eighth Grade
Anne Ajamian, (aajamian)
Instructional Aide
Giselle David , (gdavid)
Special Education
Adalberto Forteza, (aforteza)
Instructional Aide
Gabriella Fredette, (gfredette)
Physical Education & Health
Ryan Koebbe, (rkoebbe)
Instructional Aide
Anita Kundu, (akundu)
Instructional Aide
Kenneth Livingston, (klivingston)
Instructional Aide
Courtney Salerno, (csalerno)
Academic Support Teacher
Cory Shay, (cshay)
Instructional Aide
Jennifer Tarangelo , (jtarangelo)
Special Education
Amanda Thiede, (athiede)
Special Education
School Staff
English Department
Philip Stephenson (pstephenson)
Hannah Dayan, (hdayan)
Social Studies Department
Anne Ballman, (aballman)
Briana Vessells, (bvessells)
Mathematics Department
Stephen Lysak, (slysak)
Iris Tseng, (itseng)
Physical Education and Health Department
Marc Kutchma, (mkutchma)
Science Department
Shiromi DeSilva, (sdesilva)
Francis Coyne, (fcoyne)
Special Education Upper School
Dari Lyons, (dlyons)
Danielle Parsons, (dparsons)
Todd Duncan, (tduncan)
Specials Staff, K-12
Sidney Sanchez, (ssanchez)
Courtney Powers, (cpowers)
Paola Linares (plinares)
Administrative Staff
Schoolwide Support
Amy Spina, (aspina)
School Social Worker, Anti-Bullying Coordinator, Homeless Liaison
Mical Gomez, (mgomez)
School Speech Therapist, K-12
Kaitlin McManus, (kmcmanus)
School Nurse, K-12
Administration and Administrative Support
Deirdra Grode, (dgrode)
Executive Director
Elizabeth Palma, (epalma)
Principal K-8; Anti-Bullying Specialist K-8; Affirmative Action Officer; Title IX Officer; School Safety Specialist
Joanna Weintraub, (jweintraub)
Principal 9-12; Anti-Bullying Specialist 9-12; Affirmative Action Officer; Title IX Officer
Steve Literati, (sliterati)
Chief Financial Officer, Board Secretary and Board Treasurer
Melissa Fisher, (mfisher)
Coordinator of Special Education; SEMI Coordinator; 504 Coordinator; Truancy Officer; ELL Program Coordinator
Gigi Girgis, (ggirgis)
Bookkeeper; Human Resources; Afterschool Programming
Maria Nuñez, (mnunez)
Administrative Assistant K-8; School Lottery Coordinator
Eunice Roman, (eroman)
Administrative Assistant 9-12
Sick Notices – Lower/Middle School, (office)
Email for absences, sick, etc.
Sick Notices – Upper School, (eroman)
Email for absences, sick, etc.